Pakistan Breakfast at Davos 2024

Zarrar Sehgal – Chairman Pathfinder Group, Host of the Pakistan Breakfast at Davos 2024 warmly welcomed the participants at the 20th Pakistan Breakfast hosted by Pathfinder and VRG. “We are honoured to have His Excellency Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq Kakar in our midst today. Thank you, sir, for gracing us with your presence. Before… Continue reading Pakistan Breakfast at Davos 2024

Pakistan Breakfast at Davos 2023

The Pakistan Breakfast was held on 18th January 2023 at Davos, Switzerland. It was held under the auspices of the Pathfinder Group, which is also co-hosted by UBank. The event was moderated by Zarrar Sehgal, Chairman Pathfinder Group. Mr. Zarrar Sehgal Chairman Pathfinder Group, Thank you very much on behalf of the Pathfinder group and… Continue reading Pakistan Breakfast at Davos 2023

Visionary Banking in Pakistan

Ikram Sehgal Chairman Pathfinder Group and KCFR We are lucky today to have our senior banking presidents here of three major banks of Pakistan, and also State Bank executives for today’s session on Visionary Banking in Pakistan. We have Mr. Shahzad Dada as the keynote speaker. This is our last function this year as Pathfinder… Continue reading Visionary Banking in Pakistan

Freedom for the Oppressed

Dr. Huma Baqai, Sr. Vice Chairperson, KCFR The topic is Freedom for the Oppressed, and then of course who do we define as oppressed? The last session that we had, the climate was oppressed and women are oppressed, but here large section of humanity is also oppressed and how; when we talk about the oppressed,… Continue reading Freedom for the Oppressed

Evolution of Education and Healthcare in Pakistan

Faisal Aziz Khan, President Bol News Myself Faisal Aziz Khan, welcoming you on this formal discussion on one of the extending crucial issues, not only for Pakistan, but the entire region, and that is Evolution of Education and Health Care in Pakistan. We have only 40 minutes for this session, unfortunately, but I would introduce… Continue reading Evolution of Education and Healthcare in Pakistan